Columbia Artists Management Inc.165 west 57th StreetNew York, NY 10019(212) 841 – 9729” CSARDAS – THE TANGO OF THE EAST “
The ” CSARDAS – THE TANGO OF THE EAST “ is a folkloric show presentation from Central and Eastern Europe by the BUDAPEST ENSEMBLE from Hungary. A company of 30 persons, including approximately 27 performers and technical support. The Company tours with a Company Manager, Technical Supervisor, Stage Manager and Technical/wardrobe person. Listed below are certain requirements for the effective presentation of the Company. This addendum must be signed and returned to CAMI in order to have a fully executed contract considered. Local Presenter is asked to send complete technical specifications when returning this addendum to the contract. It is understood that not all requirements could be fulfilled by all presenters, however in this case the Local Presenter must consult CAMI to develop a mutually acceptable solution for modified requirements.
LOCAL PRESENTER AGREES TO FURNISH AT ITS OWN EXPENSE:STAGE REQUIREMENTS:The stage performance area should be at least 30 feet wide and 25 feet deep from front to back, and an additional 10 feet to allow for the rear projection system. A larger stage is acceptable. Black side curtains are preferred front curtain is not a necessity but it is acceptable. The Company will carry two rear projection screens. One will be a temporary one which will be torn down during the first scene, the second will have to be lowered during the first scene, this requires a stage drop [rigging loft or lines] mechanism. If the lines are not available the projection screens will be installed from their own frame.
IMPORTANT: The floor of the stage must either be wood or linoleum, completely free of shellac, wax floor polish or any other slippery substance. A slippery or uneven floor may mean injury to dancers. The company will not perform on concrete floor or wood floor directly lying over concrete. Stage should be swept clean of all debris and mopped with plain hot water (no soap). If the theater has linoleum dance floor it must be laid down on stage prior to the company’s arrival. SOUND SYSTEM:The Company will bring with them twelve (12) wireless microphones. Presenter will need to provide a complete sound system, including transmitters, amplifiers and speakers.LIGHTING:The Company requires full stage lighting. The light plot will be sent to presenter three to four weeks prior to performance date. All lights must be hung prior to the arrival of the Company. The Company Technical Director will contact the Auditorium’s Technical Director to discuss particulars in advance. All instruments and dimmers must be checked out and in good working order prior to Company’s arrival.
Two (2) follow spots, Super Trouper or Trouper, are required. Follow spot operators should be experienced and proficient operators.
Headset communications is necessary between stage manager, sound and light boards and follow spots.DRAPERYSufficient black legs and borders to create at least two wings on each side and restrict audience view of backstage wings.LOAD-IN / LOAD-OUTLoad-in of company’s equipment, (sound system, musical instruments, scenery, and costumes), will begin at 9:00 AM, unless otherwise agreed to in this addendum. Theaters’ Technical Director, or person of similar position, with complete knowledge of theater facility and equipment must be on hand from load-in through load-out. DRESSING ROOMSRoom requirements are as follows:One (1) room large enough for eight (8) women dancersOne (1) room large enough for eight (8) male dancersOne (1) room large enough for fourteen (14) male musiciansOne (1) room for Artistic DirectorOne (1) office for Company Manager
Each dressing room must have at least one rack for hanging costumes, tables, chairs, mirrors, and bathroom facilities. Rooms must be as close to stage as possible. All rooms must be secure from unauthorized persons from load-in through load-out. Dressing rooms must be properly heated (72-74 F) for the entire period.HEATING REQUIREMENTSIf warranted by the climate and season of the year, the dressing rooms as well as the backstage and stage area must be heated from load-in to load out.STAGEHAND REQUIREMENTSTHIS IS NOT A YELLOW CARD SHOW. All personnel called for may be non-union unless local union requirements dictate that union employees be used. Presenter agrees to provide at its sole expense the following personnel.LOAD-IN & SET-UPTwo (2) people for approx. two (2) hours (loaders)LIGHTING & FOCUSINGThree (3) people for approx. four (4) hours (electricians)SOUND CHECK 5:30 PMOne (1) person for approx. One (1) hour (sound operator)RUNNING OF SHOWOne (1) person to run light boardOne (1) sound operatorTwo (2) follow spot operatorsOne (1) person to operate curtainSTRIKE & LOAD-OUTFour (4) people for approx. two (2) hoursBUS AND TRUCK PERMITPresenter agrees to arrange for all necessary permits and authorizations for one 45-passenger tour bus and one 20′ box truck to have access to and park at the loading dock and door from load-in through take-out. REHEARSAL REQUIREMENTSThe Company may wish to rehearse on stage prior to the performance and Company Stage Manager will advise Presenter’s Stage Manager in advance if a rehearsal is required.ORCHESTRA REQUIREMENTSThe company carries no pit orchestra; the musicians are an integral part of the performance and will be on stage during the performance.PIANO REQUIREMENTNo piano is required and all pianos in the auditorium or stage area must be removed.OPENING OF HOUSEUnless otherwise noted in contract, Presenter agrees to open house no earlier than thirty (30) minutes prior to scheduled performance time. REFRESHMENTSPresenter will provide and pay for the following refreshments prior to each performance:Twelve (12) cartons of orange juiceTwelve (12) large bottles of Coca-CocaTwelve (12) large bottles of non-carbonated mineral waterOne (1) bag of iceForty (40) plastic cups
NOTE: The Company’s performance is extremely strenuous and these provisions are therefore essential.PUBLICITY APPEARANCESThe Company will be happy to assist in local publicity via personal interviews on TV or radio, and via a well-organized public appearance. Company must have at least 48 hours notice for scheduling purposes but cannot guarantee availability.COMPLIMENTARY TICKETSSix (6) pairs of aisle seats in the rear of the auditorium are to be held for use by the Company for each performance. The Company will release unused tickets at least two (2) hours prior to curtain time for each performance.
AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED: | ________________________________ |
BY: | ________________________________ |
DATE: | ________________________________ |